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Beliefs About Beginnings -  I

Much is made in these articles about the heart or subconscious mind seeking to prove what the mind or intellect believes by providing all the evidence needed to support that belief and so raise the believer’s self-esteem.

Behind this is a process where the mind accesses the resources dimension and searches out its knowledge database. Every human soul is connected to this Earth-centred super computer, constantly feeding in and updating its beliefs live, then getting program output (I-O), that is, confirmation of its beliefs.

Residing in the Sixth Dimension from both ends (1-6 and 11-6), it forms part of the great subconscious mind. Programmed to act like an obedient servant, it makes no judgements about the truth or accuracy of any belief expressed. Some misunderstand this to be God, since it too is invisible.

When religion says that its sacred scriptures or book contains proof of the existence of its so-called invisible God, the Sixth Dimension generates that proof.

As if by magic some theoretical physicists are claiming that the big bang singularity is now proven. This Dimension has delivered that proof by making available unquestionable evidence, even though there never was a big bang singularity.

There are four steady-state, doughnut-shaped, rotating universes. In the Book of Job, ‘Iyyowb’s friend Eliyhuw only knew of one universe. Yet in 37:18 he asks ‘Iyyowb, “Can you beat out the expanse with Him, hard like a cast mirror?”

Using poetic languagewHe was expressing the truth in poetic language, for he was an avid stargazer. , which is not surprising. Nonetheless it is stead-state and not expanding and there is no evidence to prove there is. Yet claims are made

Cave man after climbing down from trees (Mr Knight, Grade 5) or civilised societies with houses and cities (Genesis 4-6)?

Despite its meaningless toys Darwinism is still living in the cave man days, since its belief system is constantly working itself out in cave man behaviour.

On the contrary, if one believes that early humanity was civilised and from earliest times lived in houses and cities built by highly advanced human beings with relocation technologies, then this energy package will ensure a more civilised society and an infinitely more intelligent one without the need for magic wand science. ATAR has no time and is no place for such backward thinking.

To observe such technology in action and find material evidence of their existence through Scripture, FIMIOLs and FINATSes is just the heart or subconscious mind providing all the data needed to support this belief. Once one starts down that track, there is no stopping. The same with the belief in early cave men and women.

Homelessness is also a product of Darwinism's cave man mentality.

Hate feeds domestic violence. Feel safe is feeling free from danger. No environment flourishes with racism. Actually they do all over the world and have for millennia. Racism is one way of preserving a culture, since race is determined by diet in a specific location.

The ABC in Australia constantly creates hate by imposing its idiosyncracies upon the general public to the accolades of some and annoyance of others who expect better of it.

Females today enjoy being a cave woman with all the mod cons. Yet it took OM as the deceiving serpent over sixty years to wear down Chavvah, who considered herself the equal of Adam, just tied to him as his wife. Did Adam bash her or did they work together? They only knew Oneflesh and the respect and admiration they had for each other. Love was never part of the equation. That word first appears in Genesis 22:2 after Abraham's circumcision.

Chavvah was a tough nut. Women will rise up against men if there are other women to turn to. They will take shit from a man for so long and then it is revenge. Hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned. The woman who killed Sirera was not weakling. Plenty of women stand up to men down through the ages.

Treat a women fairly and with respect and she will respond. Abuse her and there may be consequences for the abuser, like Ya'el, Cheber's wife, exercised on Sisera in Judges 4:21. Women can stand up for themselves, so long as men do not convince them that they must be silent and submissive to their husbands, which is a gross misinterpretation of Genesis 3:16. His soul energies are to rule over her and provide her with the safety to be his friend and mother her children (4:1).

However, the Darwinist energy package for women is based upon reinventing the cave woman's profile in accordance with feminist ideals and men have mainly remained unchanged from primitive times, still nasty and dangerous. What a mess are they making of society.

One draws to oneself whatever one believes in. Each belief system comes with an underlying package of energies and consequences. The package often involves far more than one's beliefs. E.g. the American belief in Evolution as a suicide bomber (Oops, I did it again) attracted the events of 9/11. Observe how suicide bombing has become far more fashionable since that date, since Darwinism  sends out such signals.

Of course, they deny this. Yet when one features a big bang singularity in one's belief system and believes that all life has evolved, then an explanation is required. Who set up the singularity? Evolution or a male God? If Evolution, then She has done it before. She enjoys blowing herself up, then resurrecting herself to do it all over again.

The point with y = x/1 where x=0 is the singularity, this arrangement never changes, whether disguised as the energy of the universe or its mass. Mathematically the singularity remains the same, but Evolution has a mind of her own and can delay it for 13.82 billion years. She is so clever and had all the patience in the universe.

How many universes has the goddess Evolution blown up in the distant past (Oops, I did it again - thanks to Britney Speers)

It depends on what one believes regarding the start of all things: Darwin's cave man and cave woman, a civilised society or a blank canvas. Scientologists believe aliens came to Earth and settled here.  Eric von Daniken believes life arrived in the form of extra-terrestrial beings. Genesis 1-2 speak of Eluhiym creating man in the moist soil of Eden, but most believe it was God/THEOS using his magic wand. Whatever the case, this view forms the foundation energy package of beliefs which undergirds all other thinking.

Despite all the technology man is still behaving like a cave man or woman in his thinking and behaviour.

Domestic violence is frequently an outworking of this energy package. So was 9/11. When educational institutions in the USA combined Darwinist evolution with the big bang singularity they opened the way for destructive suicide bombings on their home soil. It is easy to dismiss this as ludicrous, yet who has examined the outworkings of energy packages with their unpredictable outcomes? Rain falling from the clouds is not supposed to give people cholera or other intestinal diseases.

Not so according to Brown-Driver-Briggs, page 135. Bara' means to "shape, create" from the Aramaic meaning to "form, fashion by cutting, shape out, pare a reed for writing, a stick for an arrow". Biblically it means to "shape, fashion, create", always of divine activity, but also an individual who fashions tools. New conditions and circumstances, territories, transformations and miracles are also created.

Isaiah 55:10-11. If the water is not oxygenated and lies stagnant with faeces and urine in it, then it becomes the breeding ground for diseases like cholera or mosquito-borne diseases like malaria, Dengy fever, etc. The Word of Yahuw'ah is goal oriented, like every energy package, and has blessing and curse embedded in it.

All belief systems come in energy packages and these are binary in nature with energies for and against the believer. When it comes to religion sickness and disease soon manifests. So does division, suspicion and enmity as people part ways, one thinking his or her faith is more pure than the others.

One observation I have to make is that feminists wanted to be treated the same as men. Men jostle other men, so tough women will be jostled too.

Blur the lines in this schizophrenic push for gender equality, and it will backfire, since non-medicated schizophrenics tend to be unpredictable in their behaviour. Some women take offence at any man who offers them respect, like opening doors.

Women Are To Be Feared, Not Loved or Respected. This is the message coming out of educational institutions and it has its origins in religious Darwinism.

Due to the Me-Too movement men are avoiding one to one contact with women where women are mentors. So they should. Who can a man trust? Women are the Untouchables. It is always about them being the victim. Men are victims too. After all, their mothers carried them in their wombs.

The LGBTIQ movement comes with its own energy package and some find their militancy offensive. Again it is schizophrenic in nature, since they blur the boundaries and are products of their mothers and fathers.

The heart is an obedient servant

Each package is BINARY and has a constructive and destructive side. Every individual comes with her or her own energy package which governs their life. Sadly and all too often human beings subject themselves to other people's energy packages and blindly accept what they are told instead of thinking things through for themselves. like sponges [social media's herd mentality]. But then, there are so many putdown people and so much peer pressure that they are frightened into submission. What can they do? To go it alone is lonely.

Countries have their own energy packages. Even mother Earth has an energy package. So too ATAR. The creation of Adam and Chavvah during '2/3' implies that if people talk for long enough, then they destroy their own arguments.

Observe the depictions of cave men and women in Darwinist propaganda, especially homo erectus, homo sapies, the Denisovans and Neanderthals. They women are not well clad, whereas North American Indians and Inuits and rural Mongolians are more than modestly dressed.

Then observe the way many modern young women dress scantily today with skimpy shorts, dresses well above the knees, showing as much of their bosoms as possible. Older middle aged women are no better. Men, however, are more appropriately dressed in suits or longish shorts. The cave man and cave woman stereotypes as energy packages are still acting out, even though they are an invention of the imagination.

Domestic violence is still alive in these energy packages, reflecting the way men treated their wives by grabbing them by the hair and assaulting them with clubs. Women the world over, though, have always been strong. If as 'wild' as they are portrayed, then they would have stood up to such nonsense.

Subjection of women has always been associated with the apostle Paul's energy package, but not his gnostic successors or with Yeshuwa and the Twelve.

What is happening with the #MeToo movement is with Darwinism evolving into a religion, females are identifying with the mother goddess images reflection by Evolution. As with the weekly module, during this '20/21' century females are the dominant gender. And as they say, "the boss knows best." It is not about democracy so much any more, but rule by dictatorial decree.

One of the most important axioms of life is that the heart or subconscious mind seeks to prove and demonstrate what the intellect or mind believes, regardless of which parts of the human brain are used. It will provide all the evidence needed to support that belief, even if it is false.

Much of the religious experience of answered prayer is the result of this process and what is not answered accordingly is put down to the will of God and its various names. Naturally believers are reticent to abandon their beliefs in God and/or his son(s) and daughter(s).

This axiom creates what is called an energy package. It is like an ink stamp which leaves its impression whenever a page or document is stamped. Every belief system has such an energy stamp and package. In order to understand it, one only need look at the life and writings of the one in whose image the stamp is made.

Furthermore this applies also to everyone who survives birth and grows into childhood and beyond. Once the art of language is learned, then with behaviour this package starts to be defined.

One can begin to understand this by reading Isaiah 55:10-11. "For as the rain and the snow come down from the sky and do not return there without watering the earth, and making it bear and sprout, and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater, 11. so shall My Word be which goes forth from My mouth. It shall not return to me empty without accomplishing what I desire and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."

The Word of Yahuw'ah always accomplishes its purpose. Rain and snow are not just different temperature related forms of moisture comprising H2O. They have a purpose, among which is to provide moisture for the earth so vegetation can grow and produce a crop where grower and consumer can benefit alike.

Droplets and flakes of H2O have an energy package. They can also make roads slippery, produce damaging floods, ice up lakes and waterways, make people glad or gloomy, and end life by drowning or freezing. Here its energy package is binary in nature, expressing itself in good and bad ways. So too with all energy packages.

Water is also used for washing, cooking and cleaning. 78 % of the body is water. Then one must consider how its atomic and molecular structure is altered by heat and cold and contact with elements like iron to create rust.

Every energy package has wide implications.

 So too James 1:10-2. Lives are energy generators.

'''..If one believes that one's distant ancestors descended from an ape who lived in trees, then climbed down and lived on the ground, then human behaviour will demonstrate that belief's energy package by acting like an ape. In modern society there is plenty of evidence already that this is happening and those in authority are urging all to act in such a way. So morality goes out the door in favour of the ethics of the ape society. The news media constantly reflect this. They, in fact, go out in search of it and if ever there was a greater reflection of immorality the mass media would win hands down. And it is proud to be associated with the ape energy package, since it makes money for them.

One draws to oneself what one believes in. And this comes as a total package deal. The deal often involves far more than one's beliefs. E.g. the beliefs in Evolution encase not just Darwinism, but the Big Bang extension of Msgr Georges LeMaitre, making Evolution a fertility goddess and progenitor of life and therefore a female suicide bomber. Not surprisingly the USA has been subjected to attacks on embassies in Kenya and Libya, but most notably on the mainland on 9/11. After this suicide bombers have been very active. Evolution is its seed.

Evolution ... Oops, I've done it again.

Belief systems come in packages and so do the judgements. Each country has its own to endure.

 Australia is drought-prone with massive heat waves building in NW WA.

 The USA has the Rocky Mountains and Gulf of Mexico to mix cold and hot air and produce tornadoes. Artic systems, like the polar voprtex, inflict bitterly cold blizzards and snow can cover much of the country.

 The UK has its blizzards and heavy rain, but also strange politics.

Packages also include diseases handed down from parents to great grandchildren for not servinig Yahuw'ah (Exodus 20:5 and Deuteronomy 5:9). Diseases have gotten worse with the spread of Darwinism. Many succumb.